n Star Rider is a racing LaserDisc video game developed by Computer Creations and Williams Electronics, which debuted for arcades in 1983. The goal of this futuristic motorcycle race involves navigating surrealistic tracks with high-quality laserdisc backgrounds that surpassed contemporary computer graphics capabilities at the time.The foreground elements – racers and their cycles – are superimposed onto these video scenes. Star Rider is notable as one of the first games to feature a rear-view mirror, warning players about opponents approaching from behind.Star Rider was produced in two versions: upright for standing play and sit-down with an actual motorcycle seat replica. It emerged after the 1983 gaming crash but did not gain wide distribution due to its limited release. According to Eugene Jarvis of Williams Electronics, Star Rider's performance led to a significant loss – $50 million.The game was created as competition against Dragon’s Lair; RJ Mical oversaw development with Python Anghelo and Ken Lantz leading software design. Richard Witt programmed the main part while John Newcomer served as creative director. The laserdisc video production came from Computer Creations, CGI graphics were rendered by Grey & Associates.The game's hardware was custom-built for Star Rider; it used NTSC signal data to animate riders along tracks. First shown at AMOA in October 1983 and released the following month, this title showcased early use of pre-rendered computer-generated imagery.В США игра была лидером по доходам среди игр на лазерных дисках в аркадах, занимая первое место в чартах Play Meter за август 1984 года. Позже она стала самой популярной уличным лазердиском в ноябре того же года.Translator: Title:Star RiderContent:В США игра была на вершине доходов среди аркадных игр с использованием лазерного диска по данным Play Meter за август 1984. Впоследствии она стала самой популярной уличным вариантом в ноябре того же года.Title:Blood RageContent:В фильме ужаса "Кровавая ярость" (Blood Rage) от 1987 года, персонажи Арти и Грегг играют на телевизоре в Star Rider. Позже они продолжают играть с джойстиками.Title:Play MeterContent:Чарты Play Meter — рейтинговая система для аркадных автоматов; данные о популярности лазердиск-игр и других развлечений на основе мониторинга доходов.